Year 2

Welcome to Year 2

There are two classes in Year 2, 1HL and 1HM. Our teachers in 1HL are; Miss Hoare, Mrs Lloyd, Mrs Lee and Mrs Evans. In 1HM our teachers are; Mr Hill, Ms Mckechnie, Mrs Docherty and Mrs Martins. We are excited to see what this year holds for us!

Summer Term

During the first part of the summer term our topic was, ‘Those that came before us.’ In History, we looked at significant individuals from the past. We explored the lives and careers of three nurses, Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and Edith Cavell. After looking at the similarities and differences between the nurses we then looked at how they have impacted our lives today.

Read Mary’s Story - Mary Seacole Trust, Life, Work & Achievements of Mary Seacole

Our next topic is ‘Be the Change.’ As a school we have looked at our impact on the world and have celebrated World Earth Day.

In our Science lessons, we will be looking at Animals including Humans. We have grouped different animals and have started to look at the life cycles or mammals, insects and birds. As we have a fantastic wildlife area just outside our classrooms, we have plenty of opportunity to take learning outdoors and explore the natural world around us.

This term we will;

In D.T, we will be looking at textiles and improving our sewing skills. We are hoping to showcase these skills when creating a project for the summer fayre.

In Art we will be looking at creating sculptures out of mouldable materials. We will be looking at the work of British Sculptor Sir Antony Gormley.


In Year 2, we have P.E on a Tuesday and a Thursday. This term will be participating in athletics, developing our javelin, running and throwing skills ahead of sports day. We will also continue to develop our multi-skills, becoming more accurate when throwing, passing and catching an object.


Stratford Butterfly Farm 🦋

In May, Year 2 visited Stratford Butterfly Farm as part of our Science unit. We saw butterflies, caterpillars and chrysalis up close. The guides taught us the names of some of the beautiful butterflies, one being the Caligo or Owl butterfly. The owl butterfly has markings on its wings that look like an owl’s eyes to help protect them from predators. We even saw iguanas who were enjoying the tropical climate and exotic plants.

Did you know that butterflies have 4 wings, 6 legs and 2 antenna!

 After, we went into the minibeast metropolis where we saw leaf cutter ants hard at work, a caiman and many other animals. If we were feeling brave , we were able to hold some large stick insects. They were as big as our hands!

Useful Links

Useful Information

P.E. – Dance is on a Tuesday afternoon and multi-skills on a Thursday afternoon, so please ensure that your child has their named P.E. kit, along with pumps or trainers in school for Tuesdays and Thursdays.