Our menus adhere to the 14 nutrient groups set out by the Government and are analysed using the industry recognised Saffron nutrition All of our meals are produced using Farm assured meats, Fish which meets the marine stewardship council standards (MSC) Food contains no hydrogenated fats or undesirable additives. See www.foodforlife.org.uk Please ask at reception if you think your child is entitled to free school meals.
ALL children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 receive free school dinners. Some older children are also entitled to free dinners and others pay for dinners (£2.50 per day) or bring their own lunchboxes.
All school meals are ordered via sQuid daily.

Free School Meals
Do you think your child may be entitled to Free school Meals? If you have not already registered with the school please follow the link to register your child/children. If you think you have already registered but are not sure please email the school office on office@hollymountschool.org
Follow this portal below to get started:
Free School Meals Online Application Portal
Struggling? Contact the office for support.
Lunch Boxes
Children in Years 3 to 6 may choose to bring lunch from home. Lunch boxes and flasks should be clearly marked with the child’s name and class. Parents should aim for a packed lunch to be healthy in order to provide children with a balanced diet. A balanced diet is about eating lots of different foods to get the nutrients you need, and it’s sometimes hard to get that variety into children’s lunchboxes.
For suggestions on how to make a healthy lunch box please click on the links below: