What time does school start and finish?
From September 2023, in the main school (Reception – Year 6) the school day starts at 8.45am and finishes at 3.15pm. Children have 45 minutes for lunchtime and a further 15 minutes break at some point during the day.
Where can I buy school uniform?
Some of our uniform is available to buy from the school office. Tights, socks, jumpers and shirts are readily available at local supermarkets or from shops in town. Some uniform is require, other items are optional but parents are required to provide similar alternatives. For a full list of uniform, click here. You can find our uniform policy here.
Can my child attend breakfast club?
Breakfast club is open to all children from Reception upwards for 50p per day. Children can enter breakfast club at 8am and are taken onto the playground around 8.40am. Places should be booked and paid for via the sQuid system.
Is my child allowed to walk home from school alone?
Although we prefer children to be collected by an adult, we realise this is not always possible. Children from Years 5 and 6 are allowed to walk home alone if parents have spoken to their class teachers about this and given permission. Children are NOT allowed to walk home alone at other times of the school day or after evening events and afterschool clubs in winter.
When can I come into school?
Parents are invited into school for lots of different reasons. For example, families are invited to class assemblies, Inspire Workshops, performances, Christmas and summer fayres, sports day and parents meetings.
Parents who have a problem or concern are asked to speak to their child’s class teacher. Before school, teachers are often busy, so please make an appointment through the office if you need a longer conversation.
I don’t speak English. How can I access school events?
Over a third of our families don’t speak English as their first language. To support them, we have staff and children who act as translators for us, where possible, and we can translate letters on request. Family friends who can translate are always welcome to attend parents meetings to provide support. Miss Whitworth (English as Additional Language specialist teacher) is available each morning as a point of contact for families who speak other languages. This website also has a translation feature.
Where can I find the term dates?
Term dates are published on the school newsletter and are also on the dates page of this website. If you want to know a specific date and cannot find it on the website then please contact the school office.